Dr. Barry Lord is a Licensed Psychotherapist in California who has worked in the field of counseling for over 30 years. He is currently retired from private practice. As the Director of “Pastoral Care and Counseling” clinics he and his staff worked with over 140 court, probation and parole-ordered domestic violence cases yearly. Dr. Lord developed and owned a training program, “DV Counselor Training”, where he and his staff trained and equipped clinicians to become certified by various probation departments in order to facilitate court ordered Domestic Violence Recovery Program groups throughout California.
Although Dr. Lord has also retired as the Dean of Behavioral Sciences Department at Southern California Seminary; he continues to serve on the Board of Directors at SCS. Dr. Lord was honored as professor Emeritus at Southern California Seminary. He is also retired as an adjunct professor of psychology from San Diego Christian College. Dr. Lord lectures at national and international seminars, webinars and radio programs throughout the U.S. and for 3 years he served as the Chairman of the Training and Intervention Committee; a subcommittee of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council.
He currently works with the Lexington Fatherhood Initiative program where he helps to facilitates groups in the jail as well as facilitating groups outside of the jails for those on probation and parole as well as for men who want to be better fathers and husbands.